
PsPM is tested on Matlab 2020 and higher. Most command-line functions will also run in previous Matlab versions.

Download latest version: PsPM installer

  1. Download the installer into an arbitrary directoy
  2. Open Matlab.
  3. Navigate to the directory into which you downloaded the installer, and type “pspm_installer” at the command line. In the next dialogue, you can optionally download the GLM and DCM tutorial data set.
  4. Start the GUI by typing “pspm” in the matlab command line

Download any version directly from github

  1. List of available versions
  2. For the chosen version, download the file PsPM_v…zip
  3. Unzip into any directory.
  4. Put the unzipped “PsPM” directory on the matlab search path, using “Set path” (without subfolders) or by typing addpath(‘folder’)
  5. Start the GUI by typing “pspm” in the matlab command line

Clone the development source code from the github repository

  1. Navigate to the repository
  2. Click on “code” and copy the clone URL. Use https for an anomymous clone. For ssh, you need a github account with a linked ssh key pair.
  3. Open a terminal.
  4. Navigate to a folder of your choice.
  5. Type “clone ", inserting the URL you copied in step 2.
  6. Put the “src” subdirectory onto the matlab search path.
  7. Start the GUI by typing “pspm” in the matlab command line


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