Function reference
This function reference covers all user-facing functions in the develop branch.
Data preparation
Data preparation functions create new data files.
Import data into PsPM format.
Cut away unused intervals of data.
Split contiguous data into individual blocks or sessions.
Stack multiple data files recorded simultaneously (e.g. by different equipment).
Rename a PsPM data file and change its internal representation.
Data preprocessing
Data preprocessing functions create new data channels.
Combine multiple marker channels into one that can be used for a GLM definition.
Convert pupil size from area to diameter.
Convert pupil size from arbitrary units into metric units.
Covert ECG data into heart beat time stamps using a modified Pan & Tompkins algorithm.
Covert ECG data into heart beat time stamps using the AMRI algorithm.
Convert gaze data between different units.
Convert heart beat time stamps into interpolated heart period time series.
Convert pulse oxymetry data into heart beat time stamps.
Preprocess EMG data.
Find sound onsets from sound recordings.
Find valid fixations.
Preprocess gaze data.
Interpolate missing values. (Creates a new data file if operating on all channels)
Data filtering.
Correct pupil foreshortening correction for data recorded on an Eyelink eyetracker system.
Preprocess pupil data.
Remove missing data defined in a missing data epoch file. (Not available in GUI)
Preprocess respiration data.
Preprocess skin conductance data.
Modelling functions create model files.
Non-linear SCR model.
General linear convolution model.
Create illuminance regressors for pupil size GLM.
Models for non-specific SCR (aka spontaneous fluctuations).
Model for trial averaged responses. (Not available in GUI)
Export model output.
Extract data segments from data file.
Extract marker information from data file.