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pspm_import imports data from various formats and writes them to a PsPM file on the same path, with the original file name prepended with ‘pspm_’. Please refer to the PsPM manual or the help of the individual ‘pspm_get_[datatype] functions for data-type specific information.


[sts, outfile] = pspm_import(datafile, datatype, import, options)


Variable Definition      
datafile [char] file name.      
datatype supported datatype as defined in pspm_init (see manual).      
import See following fields.      
import.type [mandatory for all data types and each job] Channel type as defined in pspm_init (see manual). Not all data types support all channel types. [mandatory for some data types and each channel] Sampling rate for waveforms, or time units in second for event channels, in Hz. [mandatory for some data types and each channel, positive integer; will search if set to 0 and data type allows] Specify where in the data file to find the channel; should be a positive integer (i. e. the n-th channel in the file); for some data types it is also possible to search for the channel by its name. Note: the channel number refers to the n-th recorded channel, not to its number or index in the recording software. For some data types, these can differ.      
import.flank [optional, string] The flank option specifies which of the rising edge (ascending), falling edge (descending), both edges or their mean (middle) of a marker impulse should be imported into the marker channel; The flank option is applicable for continuous channels only and accepts ‘ascending’, ‘descending’, or ‘both’; The default value is ‘both’ that means to select the middle of the impulse; Some exceptions are Eyelink, ViewPoint and SensoMotoric Instruments data, for which the default are respectively ‘‘both’’, ‘‘ascending’’, ‘‘ascending’’; If the numbers of rising and falling edges differ, PsPM will throw an error.      
import.transfer [optional, string/struct] For SCR data only. Name of a .mat file containing values for the transfer function, OR a struct array containing the values OR ‘none’, when no conversion is required (c and optional Rs and offset; See pspm_transfer_function for more information).      
import.eyelink_trackdist The distance between eyetracker and the participants’ eyes; If is a numeric value the data in a pupil channel obtained with an eyelink eyetracking system are converted from arbitrary units to distance unit; If value is ‘none’ the conversion is disabled; (only for Eyelink imports).      
import.distance_unit Unit in which the eyelink_trackdist is measured; If eyelink_trackdist contains a numeric value, the default value is ‘mm’ otherwise the distance unit is ‘’; Accepted values include ‘mm’, ‘cm’, ‘m’, and ‘inches’.      
import.denoise for continuous marker channels or those recorded as digital level with two values (e.g. CED spike); retains markers of duration longer than the value given here (in seconds).      
import.delimiter for delimiter separated values, value used as delimiter for file read.   options See following fields.
options.overwrite overwrite existing files by default. [logical] (0 or 1) Define whether to overwrite existing output files or not. Default value: determined by pspm_overwrite.      

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