You can supply timestamps to `min_time` and `max_time` (e.g timestamp of begin escape) to average over only a period. In both cases, you can either retrieve peak or average (default) angular speed.
A movement or eyetracker data frame. Expected columns are either `rot_x`, `rot_y`, `rot_z`, or `gaze_direction_x`, `gaze_direction_y`, `gaze_direction_z`
minimum time in s (default: trial start)
maximum time in s (default: trial end)
whether to extract mean (default) or max
resampling rate
Direction vector for which to compute the angular speed
Peak or average 3-dimensional speed, between `min_time` and `max_time`.
NOTE: to avoid an impact of tracker glitches, data are resampled at default rate of 10 Hz (movement) or 100 Hz (gaze) and median-smoothed over 3 data points (300 or 30 ms).