All functions |
Add angular difference wrt reference direction to movement or eye tracker data frame |
Add target fixations to eyetracker data |
Add gaze elevation to (head) movement or eye tracker data frame |
Add direction of the orientation of a reference object relative to a stationary target (in 2D, XZ). |
Add direction of the orientation of a reference object relative to a target movement (in 2D, XZ). |
Add rotation matrix to movement or eye tracker data frame |
Helper function that takes an eye tracker data frame and adds a new column `R` with the rotation matrices. |
Helper function that takes a movement data frame and adds a new column `R` with the rotation matrices. |
Add movement speed to movement data frame |
This uses R base functions to calculate the angle between two vectors in degrees, accounting for rounding errors to avoid NaNs. |
Calculate angle difference in degrees, respecting angles <0 or >360. |
Apply replacements using replacement data frame. |
Average a list of resampled time series (movement, fruit collection or eyetracking) data frames |
Average time series data columns within group |
Calculate 2D angle positive z-axis and a line from reference to target position in degrees |
Calculate 2D Euclidean distance between two positions |
Transform cartesian to spherical coordinates |
Check movement data columns |
Check whether movement data frame contains valid tracker information |
Create output folders under an experiment name |
Create resampling index at desired sample rate |
Create threat name column from episode name |
Automatically detect sounds in audio recording using a volume/duration threshold |
Convert rotation in Unity Euler angles (in degrees) into 3D rotation matrix |
Extract ratio of target fixation between a `min_time` and `max_time`. You can supply timestamps to `min_time` and `max_time` (e.g timestamp of begin escape) to average over only a period, or use the entire duration of the provided data frame. |
Extract fruit picking between a `min_time` and `max_time`. You can supply timestamps to `min_time` and `max_time` (e.g timestamp of begin escape) to average over only a period. In this case, you can also retrieve the collection rate by setting `rate` to 1. |
Extract gaze elevation between a `min_time` and `max_time`. |
Extract (min, max or) 2D distance between two movement trajectories. |
Extract (min, max or mean) 2D distance between movement trajectory and reference position. |
Extract direction of the orientation of a reference object relative to a stationary target (in 2D, XZ) between a `min_time` and `max_time`. |
Extract direction of the orientation of a reference object relative to a target movement (in 2D, XZ) between a `min_time` and `max_time`. |
Extract speed (peak or average speed) between a `min_time` and `max_time`. |
Extract angular speed (peak or average speed) for a direction vector between a `min_time` and `max_time`. |
Extract duplicated time stamps. |
Find fruit position |
Find Hierarchy Object |
Find Hierarchy Object Matching Any Name |
Find initial threat position from programmatic scenario planner |
Find messages in a session log and assign to trials |
Find safe position |
Find Start marker position and rotation |
Find Unity's internal threat name |
Fit (generalised) linear model, checking for convergence, and obtain marginal means |
Fit (generalised) linear random effects model robustly, checking for convergence |
Fixes names in older versions of the output. Specifically, deletes the occurance of `"vrthreat_"` in any column names. |
Common fruit object names used in VRthreat Unity |
Get time of first fruit collection |
Get Time Of First Sequence Event |
Guess escape abortion position and time |
Guess start of escape |
Guess end of escape time |
Guess First Move From Position |
Guess/interpolate position at a point in time |
Play audio recording from threat appearance to the end |
Play audio section |
Plot 3D movements for one trial |
Prepare gaze data for further processing |
Project 3D-vector x into the plane spanned by y and z |
Project vector x onto vector y |
Read CSV Files |
Read JSON Files |
Read log messages |
Read participant details from files |
Read and score questionnaire data |
Read raw (csv) questionnaire data |
Read complete study data |
Read Trial Results |
Remove top-level directory in a full file path. |
Remove tutorial trials - i.e. episode either containing "Tutorial" or "Practice" |
Reorient movement columns to starting position. |
Reorient movement data frame such that initial values match start position and orientation |
Replace Redcap id in questionnaires by VR ppid |
Resample an eyetracker data frame to new time index. |
Resample eyetracker data columns |
Resample and median-filter position and rotation columns in a movement data frame |
Resample a fruit collection frame to new time index. |
Resample fruit task data columns |
Resample a movement data frame to new time index. |
Resample movement data columns |
Compute central angle between two rotation matrices, for a direction vector |
Wrapper around `ggsave` to save figures. |
Pastel colored ggplot scale |
VR Threat End State ggplot scale |
VR Threat Planning Time ggplot scale |
VR Threat Scenario Type ggplot scale |
Manually classify sounds |
Split a path name into into its components |
Get sum of a questionnaire subscale |
Summarise movement data frame for each unique time stamp |
Summarise movement data columns to ensure unique time stamps |
Get MSSQ subscale score (Motion Sickness; Golding, 2006) |
Get sum of a questionnaire if questionnaire exists |
VR Threat ggplot theme #' |
Compute the mean across a vector `x` respecting time `t`, using trapezium rule. |
Translate positions in movement data frame to reference position. |
Update file pointers |
Find a rotation matrix that maps one vector onto the other |