Convenient wrapper around `resample_eyetracker`. For provided columns, resamples eyetracker dataframes contained in the columns between times stored in `start_resample_col` and `end_resample_col`. Resampling is done up to a max duration of `max_duration` with a sample rate `sample_rate`. Non-existing time points for any trial are filled with "NA". Returns the data frame with new columns added.
.cols = tidyselect::ends_with("_eye_tracking_data_0"),
sample_rate = 10
A trial results data frame.
Columns containing dataframes to resample. (Default: all eyetracker data). Each data frame must have a column 'time'.
Column containing start timestamps.
Column containing end timestamps.
Maximum duration of the resample.
New sample rate (Hz).
The data frame with a new columns of resampled movements added, with new column name ending with `_resampled`.