

PsPM 6.1.2 released – including bug fixes for the GUI, DCM, and GLM. Thanks to everybody involved!


PsPM 6.1.1 released – including new functions check model, combine markchannels, and tam, bug fixes for con, dcm, get spike, and scr pp, as well as various improvements. Thanks to everybody involved!


PsPM 6.1.0 released – including pspm options for parameter controlling, AppDesigner for the launchpad, various UI improvements, bug fixes and adjustments for functions like dcm, glm and sf, and more. Thanks to everybody involved!


PsPM 6.0.0 released – including developer mode, gaze signal post processing, specific lateral or combined pupil data processing, improved file overwriting behaviour, supporting PPG data loading, various bug fixes and improvements for functions, and more. Thanks to everybody involved!


PsPM 5.1.1 released – including bugfixes for non-linear model, splitting sessions, and skin conductance response processing, the improved user interface for windows, macOS and Linux, and a new basis function template for data vector. Thanks to everybody involved!


PsPM 5.1.0 released – including a new function for skin conductance response processing and quality assessment, the improved scanpath speed model, and the new GUI designed with .mlapp. Changes to functions for better warning management and consistent data processing, together with bugfixes, are also included in this release. Thanks to everybody involved!


PsPM 5.0.0 released – including several new features such as new options in SCR quality correction, the possibility to convert gaze distances to scanpath speed or the possibility to import data from DSV (delimiter separated values) file format. This release also includes several changes (e.g. deprecate edge filtering functionality) as well as some bugfixes. Thanks to everybody involved!


PsPM 4.3.0 released – including few new features and changes (in particular in the way PsPM imports markers from Eyelink files) as well as bugfixes correcting the 4.2.1 release. Thanks to everybody involved!

30.03.2020 COVID-19 news

All planned PsPM workshops have been cancelled/postponed by the organisers due to the uncertainty around the COVID-19 pandemic.

We are offering a free live-online PsPM course between 06 April and 14 May 2020. More details on our course pages. Participants are welcome to bring along specific questions on PsPM, or experiments that they are planning to analyse with PsPM.


We are running the next full PsPM workshop on 30.6.-01.07.2020 at ESCAN 2020 in Budapest. This 2-day workshop will include theoretical and practical sessions on eyetracking (pupillometry and gaze analysis), SCR, ECG, respiration and startle-eyeblink measurement. Training will be adapted to participant’s previous exposure to PsPM, SPM or Matlab. Participants are welcome to bring along specific questions on PsPM, or experiments that they are planning to analyse with PsPM.


PsPM 4.2.1 released – including new tests and changes in PsPM functions as well as multiple bugfixes correcting 4.2.0 release. Thanks to everybody involved!


PsPM 4.2.0 released – including new pupil preprocessing, pupil foreshortening error correction and QRS detection algorithms; performance optimizations to pupil data import functions; new tests, bugfixes and changes to the behaviour of some functions to make PsPM more uniform and easier to use. Thanks to everybody involved!


We are running a PsPM course on 13.11.2019 at Universität Göttingen within the PhD program Behaviour and Cognition. Slides from previous courses are now available here.


PsPM 4.1.1 released – including new models and data processing methods, support for two new eye tracker formats, various improvements and bugfixes. Thanks to everybody involved!


We are running a PsPM workshop a the Meeting of the German Psychological Society/Section Biological Psychology (Psychologie & Gehirn). Information and registration can be found here.


PsPM 4.0.1 contains minor bug fixes.


PsPM 4.0 released – including startle eye blink EMG modelling and pre-processing, and many improvements for data import and pre-processing. Thanks to everybody involved, and in particular Tobias Moser!


PsPM 3.1 is released. This is the first version that truly deserves the name “Psychophysiological Modelling” and comprises model-based methods for analysis of heart rate data, respiration data, and pupil size. Furthermore, it includes convenience functions for these data and for startle eye-blink EMG analysis. Many minor improvements, including more generous handling of missing values, support for Philips Scanphyslog files, and for bioread-converted AcqKnowledge files. Tell us whether you like it!


PsPM 3.0.2 contains minor bug fixes.


PsPM 3.0.1 is released. It provides platform-independent import of WDQ-files, EDF import, convenience functions for respiration channels, z-scoring first-level statistics for contrasts, and many minor bug fixes. Stay tuned for the next version which will support new data modalities.


PsPM 3.0 is released. It offers an entirely novel GUI, building on the Matlab Batch Editor well known to SPM users. We worked > 1 year on streamlining the code, testing basic functions, fixing bugs, and enhancing usability. A tutorial now offers a smooth introduction into usage of the software - it is contained in the manual. Tell us whether you like it!


Matching pursuit is a machine-learning algorithm that allows for fast model inversion. In a new paper, Bach & Staib use this algorithm to infer tonic arousal from skin conductance recordings - by estimating the number of sudomotor bursts. This estimation is about 100 times faster than the currently available DCM inversion for this purpose, and not less precise in terms of predictive validity: Bach DR & Staib M 2015, Psychophysiology, in press.


A direct comparison of SCRalyze and Ledalab reveals consistently higher sensitivity for the GLM approach in SCRalyze than for all Ledalab methods. SCRalyze is also far more sensitive than a standard peak scoring approach: Bach DR 2014, Biological Psychology, 103, 63-88.

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